Thursday, January 28, 2010

Apple iPad

As basically everyone knows, yesterday Apple released it's "iPad." The next device in Apple's line of media devices. I really hadn't kept up with they hype over the table, but instead just figured I would wait until the Keynote at the WWDC and let myself be surprised by what Jobs was going to pull out of the hat.

I expected something new (yes it's a new product) but I really don't feel as though the iPad is something "new." As The Onion said about the device "Come on, Steve, just think—think, dammit—you're running out of time," the exhausted CEO said as he glued nine separate iPhones to the back of a plastic cafeteria tray. "Okay, yeah, this will work. This will definitely work. Just need to write 'tablet' on this little strip of masking tape here and I'm golden. Oh, come on, you piece of shit! Just stick already!" Honestly, to me, it's just an "iPhone XL." Nothing more than the same thing that I have been carrying around for the past 3 years, IN MY POCKET. Now, you just have the beautiful feature of it being to big to fit in your pocket, it's the size of a book.

What's the advantage of this?? Nothing. Again, everything it does, I have one that fits in my pocket and does the same thing.

With all honestly, I don't like it at this moment in time. As a speaker on NPR said, "Apple is just putting the stake on the ground" and getting this project going. Yesterday the Software Developer Kit (SDK) was released to the Developers of the world to create applications for the iPad (iPhoneXL), the applications developed for the iPad could turn the way I see it around. Potentially making it into a much more useful tool than it seems to be now.

"The iPad had the opportunity to create a completely new consumer device category, and it didn't..." -- James McQuivey of Forrester Research

Apple, NPR, The Onion

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