Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I finally got a ride in this week. It may be my only one at the rate this week is going. So here is a little music video to celebrate. 

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I have been neglecting my blog pretty badly since I've been back from my trip. So here is an update, I will start updating regularly again ASAP.

-School is going well, 16 credit hours this semester since I had to drop a class. 
-Sad to not be living on my bicycle anymore but happy to be settled and getting on with school. I am biking about 100-200 miles a week right now. Working hard towards hopefully being competitive in the spring. 
-I am opening a Bike Co-Op on campus. It's pretty exciting stuff. We will have free bike rentals, repairs, and repair seminars. As well as organize exercise rides and social rides. With very minimal advertising/word of mouth we have gotten very positive feed back about the shop being open, so I think it will be good for the school/biking community in Saint Charles. 
-My transamerican journey via bicycle will be completed Summer 2010. STL to San Francisco. I will be using the same $25 bike I rode to the East Coast only this time I will hopefully use a home built trailer to avoid the sever amount of stress I put on the rear wheel last trip. 

I believe that covers it. 

Here are a few pictures from the last part of my trip this summer, mainly from Washington, D.C.

From the top of the Washington Monument. Props to Kevin for literally running over there in the wee hours of the morning on one of our days off to get tickets!
Me, in front of the Capitol Building.
Me, in Maryland just west of D.C. on the C & O. Day 1 of flying solo.
The Colorado Group in front of the Capitol Building. 
The whole Trek Crew upon arrival. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2009